HOMESQUARE MR. CHAIRMAN for Sun Hung Kai Properties
The Largest One-stop home furniture Shopping Mall in Hong Kong. Time to time events & promotions at the Atrium. A Showcase of Men's Favorable chairs and sofa- Mr. Chairman was promote to the X'mas Event of 2014.
Creative Design / Copywriting / Digital / Marketing Promotion / Webpage Design
HONG KONG. Flat 5, 12/F, Block B, Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
t^ 852 2574

CHINA. Unit 01, 6/f, Manjinghua Yingke, No.3001 Hongling Bel Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
t^ 86 755 8282 1280