NEW TOWN PLAZA GLASSY AVENUE for Sun Hung Kai Properties
Christmas is one of the largest festive in Hong Kong. In order to enhance in mall festive atmosphere, New Town Plaza collaborates with famous glass designer for the Christmas event –Glassy Avenue at Starlight. In order to create stunning designs attract more young families. An in mall decoration and design are present in this event.
Brand Identity/ Creative Design/ Pops Production/ Professional Printing / Webpage Design
HONG KONG. Flat 5, 12/F, Block B, Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
t^ 852 2574

CHINA. Unit 01, 6/f, Manjinghua Yingke, No.3001 Hongling Bel Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
t^ 86 755 8282 1280